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About the Neera™ Natural Program
“I have used the Neera™ Natural Lemon Detox and Cleanse on hundreds of my patients with outstanding results.I find it an exceptional way to allow the digestive tract to rest, which makes all of the future treatments work more effectively.The kit is now sold in such a user-friendly manner that my time educating my patients has been reduced considerably. If you are in the business of health, this is one program that doesn’t disappoint.”
–Dr. Jeoff Drobot, Medical Director -The Calgary Centre for Naturopathic Medicine
“Neera Natural detox is an excellent way for athletes, weekend warriors, healthy people, sick people–in fact almost any adult– to get a jump start on improving their health. The week-long cleanse will allow the body to rest the digestive system as the process of elimination of stored toxins is initiated. While weight loss is not the prime reason for the Neera Natural detox, it will happen as the body is capable of releasing water and fat that is no longer necessary to buffer the toxins.”
–Dr. Dickson Thom, DDS, ND – Professor, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, OR; Medical Director American Center for Biological Medicine, Scottsdale, AZ
“I have tested Neera Natural myself, and I’m now introducing it in practice. I can vouch that it tastes good, is easy to sustain over 5-10 days, gives a rapid detox, and is suitable for a wide variety of patients.”
–Dr. Janine Leach, BSc PhD ND DO Hon MRPHM; Specialty : Naturopath
“Even using the Madal Bal Syrup as a meal replacement once a day can support a healthy and steady weight loss regime. At the same time, one gains consistent energy levels to face life’s demands. This works well combined with homoeopathy for full optimization of one’s health.”
–Dr. Elizabeth Adalian RS Hom; Specialty: Homeopathy Teacher and Clinician
“One thing that really impresses me about the Neera Natural Plan is that energy levels remain high, so you can continue with normal leisure and work activities.”
–Ian Barret BSc ND DO MRN MAO; Specialty: Naturopath, Holistic Health Consultant
“One of the best detox diets around. The results are excellent and long lasting. I have now started to incorporate the Neera Natural Program into my clinic.”
–Marcia Harewood ND NRM DO MH DNI; Specialty: Osteopath, Naturopath, Herbal Medicine
“Very useful to kick-start dietary changes that can be permanently incorporated in a patient’s lifestyle. Good way of eliminating toxins and habits; makes healing easier, giving energy to the liver where adrenal toxins are commonly found.”
–Trevor Gunn BSc (Hons) LCH RS Home; Specialty: Homeopath
“I find the Neera Natural Plan very useful for women wanting to conceive – many people change their diet when they are actually pregnant. So much better to be prepared for pregnancy.”
–Emma Cannon, Specialty: Pre-natal care, pregnancy, acupuncturist, women’s health advisor